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There are several ways to Volunteer for your child's team: Manager/Head Coach, Assistant Coach, On Field Volunteer, Team Parent or Scorekeeper.  For all of those roles, we need you to sign up as a Volunteer on our HLL site. This matrix shows you the requirements for each of the roles:

Volunteer RequirementsManager/Head CoachAssistant CoachOn Field VolunteerScorekeeperTeam Parent Concessions
Little League Background Check - HLL Gets Results
Provided once registered as HLL Volunteer
YesYesYesYesYes Yes
Chesterfield County Coaching Card -- Coaching Card
Diamond Leader Training - Certificate of Completion
Concussion Training - Certificate of Completion
Abuse Awareness Training - Certificate of Completion
YesYesYesYesYes Yes

Huguenot Little League Board of Directors must ensure every Volunteer has completed all requirements by Little League and Chesterfield County. Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Sign into the HLL Site and Choose Register a Volunteer Select the appropriate role and complete the registration steps.

Step 2:  Once you have completed Step 1, you will receive an email from "HUGUENOT NATIONAL LL" with a link to complete your application online.  You will need to provide a copy of your License to your team manager. ALL VOLUNTEERS MUST PASS A BACKGROUND CHECK TO BE AROUND THE PLAYERS.

Step 3:  Managers/Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, On Field Volunteers, and Board Members must be in possession of a valid Chesterfield County coaches card.  Click here for further information on the requirement for Chesterfield County.

Step 4: Managers/Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and On Field Volunteers must complete the necessary trainings detailed above in the matrix. Click on the links provided in the matrix to complete the trainings.  Once completed you must go back into your registration and upload your Certifications of Completion.

If all of the necessary steps are not completed, you may not be allowed to be on the field with your team.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with any of these requirements, email [email protected].

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